Q1: What is Mediasite?
Ans: Mediasite is the system of recording and archiving the content of a lecture, conference, or seminar. It is a combination of hardware and software components that helps to record the sessions.
Q2: Who is currently using Mediasite?
Ans: Only, Colleges of Dentistry using the Mediasite in KSAU-HS. It is using Mediasite to record all the lectures and made available through blackboard.
Q3: How can I access the Mediasite portal?
Ans: Open Mediasite link from College of Dentistry (https://cod.ksau-hs.edu.sa) website under E-Services (after login) to access Mediasite portal. User must have an access on Mediasite.
Q4: Who are currently viewing the Mediasite recorded lecture in COD?
Ans: Students and faculties are accessing the Mediasite lecture through blackboard.
Q5: I can’t access recorded videos from my PC / laptop. What can I do?
Ans: Mediasite supports latest version of IE or Firefox. Other browsers will not work. You need to install Microsoft Silverlight to use Mediasite.
Q6: How do I record any video apart from lecture and I can share it with my students?
Ans: Mediasite recorder is installed in COD classrooms. User must request to COD IT to setup a Mediasite recording for video and make available for students through Blackboard.
Q7: Whom should I contact for further help?
Ans: COD IT:
Email: cod-help@ksau-hs.edu.sa
Ext: 95888 / 95772