The Deanship of Student Affairs is concerned with all student matters at the College of Dentistry as well as the extra curriculum level. It helps the students in their years of study to facilitate their need and assist them to a smooth ongoing time at the college. It also helps the students communicate and interact with their colleagues in other Saudi colleges and universities as well as in the local communities. Student Affairs supports students’ activities which aim to build a balanced personality and helps the students in investing their free time in achieving academic excellence. To fulfill the university plans in achieving its educational objectives and encouraging students to utilize their free time, the office of Student Affairs prepares and submits a proposal during each academic year for students’ extracurricular activities. Also, we support our students’ in need through the Student Counseling Unit and the student affairs guarantees the confidentiality of all student matters and issues. Furthermore, all students are welcome to visit the Student Affairs Office to inquire about any assistance or guidance that may needed at any given time.
The Deanship of Student Affairs would like to welcome all students, faculty and staff to College of Dentistry KSAU-HS. Our mission is to provide a qualitative support and assistance to all students in order to facilitate the learning process and to contribute to their professional progress. Our goal is to assist the students to obtain the needed guidance to achieve the success and help them accomplish their objectives by providing the best support, as well as to encourage them to become professional life long learners, hoping that the academic and non-academic experience will be reflected on them to create future leaders. It is our honor to help the students during their time in COD. A vibrant and productive years is in store for us. We look forward to having you and hope that joining COD would be a smooth and a fruitful memorable experience.
Wish you all the good luck.
Associate dean, COD, KSAU-HS
Contact us
Students Affairs – COD – Riyadh
King Saud bin Abdulaziz University for Health Sciences
P.O Box: 3660, Riyadh 11481 K.S.A
Tel. No.: 011–429–9999 Ext No.: 95755\95897