Office of Research services at KSAU-HS

The Office of Research Services provides a range of support services for your projects, including:

  • Scientific Writing Center
  • Biostatistics Consultation
  • General Research Support
  • Scientific Conference Participation (For Students Only)
  • Research Mentoring Program (RMP)

These services are available for projects with Approved and Valid Institutional Review Boards (IRBs). To initiate collaboration, kindly visit the following link:

For further inquiries or to get started, please contact us via email at or reach us by telephone at +966 11-42-95407.

Office of Research services at KAIMRC

  • Statistical analysis and consultations

At KAIMRC Biostatistics, the services are provided to NGHA, KSAUHS staff and faculty members which include:

  1. Proposal Writing Stage:
    • Methodology Review and Comments.
    • Sampling Technique and Sample Size Estimation.
    • CRF content and Structure Review.
    • Advice on the Analysis Plan.
  2. Pre-Launch Stage:
    • Review and comments on Codebook.
    • Review and comments on Study Protocol.
    • Randomization Schedule Preparation.
  3. Study Execution Stage:
    • Pilot Phase Analysis.
    • Interim Analysis.
  4. Post Data Collection:
    • Data Analysis.
    • Statistical Analysis Report.

In view of those services, the following documents must be provided according to the type of request:

  • Proposal
  • IRB Approval
  • Dataset
  • Questionnaire/ Data Collection Form/ CRF.
  • Codebook
  • Protocol

In order to create a service request, an email indicating the type of service needed must be sent to the department via:


  • These services are limited to Staff, Faculty, Fellows, and residents and are subject to availability. For students’ research projects, the service is limited to consultation only.
  • KAIMRC staff can collaborate in NGHA and KSAUHS projects as a co-author.