Dental Implants

Virtual (Microsoft Teams Live Event)

Speaker: Dr. Adnan Ishgi BDS, CAGS, MMEd, DSc Consultant in Prosthodontics, MNGHA Chairman of Prosthodontic Scientific Council, SCFHS, Western [...]

Fundamentals of Strategic Planning

Virtual (Microsoft Teams Live Event)

Speaker: Prof. Amjad M. Qandil, PhD Commissioner and Higher Education Expert, Commission for Academic Accreditation, Ministry of Education, UAE [...]

Time Management

Virtual (Microsoft Teams Live Event)

Speaker: Dr. Abdullah Alzahem, BDS, FAGD, MME, PhD, Associate Dean, Deanship of Quality Management, KSAU-HS, Assistant Professor, Dept. of [...]

Local Anesthesia Course

Large auditorium, COD, KSAU-HS

Speaker: Dr. Sulaiman AlShalhoub Prof. Hesham Saleh AlMoallim Fee: Registration is free Target audience: Dental interns, however, interested dentists [...]

Stress Management: the Elephant in the Room

Virtual (Microsoft Teams Live Event)

Speaker: Dr. Saud Abdulrahman AlOmar Pediatrician and Adolescent Medicine Consultant King Abdullah bin Abdulaziz University Hospital, PNU Chairman of [...]

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