Enhancement EN
Leadership Style
College of DentistryTIME: 08:00-11:45 SPEAKER: Dr. Shaikha Alaujan TARGET GROUP: Residents/Faculty CATEGORY: Enhancement
Communication Skills / Communication skills rolls play
College of DentistryTIME: 08:00-11:45 SPEAKER: Dr. Abdulatif AlManee TARGET GROUP: Residents/Faculty CATEGORY: Enhancement Speaker: Dr. Abdullatif Al Manea Education: Master of Medical Education (Post [...]
MCQ structure/ Blueprint workshop
College of DentistrySPEAKER: Dr. Reem Alserour & Dr. Basma Alrowaily TARGET GROUP: Faculty/Program Directors/Instructors CATEGORY: Enhancement Speaker: 1- Dr. Reem Alserour Education: Master [...]
PLO-CLO Mapping for DMD Program Courses Workshop
College of DentistrySPEAKER: Prof. Amjad Qandil TARGET GROUP: Faculty CATEGORY: Enhancement
MCQ Item Writing
College of DentistryTIME: SPEAKER: Dr. Fadi Munshi TARGET GROUP: Faculty CATEGORY: Enhancement Speaker: Dr. Fadi Munshi Education: D. in Medical Education (Honors Degree), [...]
How to Design and Write OSCE Stations
College of DentistryTIME: SPEAKER: Dr. Samira Osailan TARGET GROUP: Faculty CATEGORY: Enhancement Speaker: Samira Osailan Current Position: Associate Professor & Consultant, Oral & [...]
Choosing study participants & Reliability & Validation of data collection tool (SPSS)
College of DentistryTIME: 12:45 - 15:30 SPEAKER: Dr. Hoda Jradi & Dr. Anwar Ahmed TARGET GROUP: Faculty/Residents CATEGORY: Enhancement