Dean’s Message

The College of Dentistry (COD) at King Saud bin Abdulaziz University for Health Sciences has been established by virtue of a decree issued by the University Council in its first session of the Academic Year 2006/2007 held on 19/12/2006 and by issued approval of the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques, Prime Minster and Chairman of the Council of Higher Education on 11/04/2007. It commits itself to the pursuit of excellence in dental education, scientific research, compassionate patient care, and community service – guided by Saudi ethics and values. The College affirms its task in the development and formation of competent and compassionate dentists who are committed to quality patient care delivery of global standards and in accordance with the needs and goals of the nation. Therefore, the college delivers an outstanding dental education program that employs cutting-edge techniques for teaching, learning and practice of dentistry.
In this website, we have provided you with the basic information about our college – its mission, competencies, curricular programs, and the activities of the different departments that will strive to attract the best students, teaching faculty, and support staff. We set forth with an ambitious strategy – improving educational programs, increasing enrollment while maintaining selectivity, building relationships within the community surrounding KSAU-HS. In conclusion, I would like to extend my thanks to the Faculty and Staff of the COD for their support and guidance in leading the students to achieve the mission and objectives of the College to prepare qualified and specialized national people to contribute in the service of society. Finally, to His Excellency President of KSAU-HS, Vice President, and Associate Deans, now, as always, your continued support will be greatly appreciated.
We are pleased to be of service to you through our website. For all the innovations and new initiatives that we offer, it is with anticipation that we await your visit to our campus.

Dr. Ali AlEhaideb



Contact us

Dean’s Office – COD – Riyadh
King Saud bin Abdulaziz University for Health Sciences
P.O Box: 3660, Riyadh 11481 K.S.A
Tel. No.: 011–429–9999 Ext No.: 95709