Congratulation Engr. Ankit Sudhera for Employee of the Month (COD-IT) August 2021

Congratulation Engr. Ankit Sudhera for Employee of the Month (COD-IT) August 2021
College of Dentistry – KSAU-HS © 2024 | KSAU-HS
The College of Dentistry Library supports various educational, research and clinical activities and programs. It has excellent collection of dental resources available for reading and reference purpose in print and digital format. Our library has a massive collection of dental e-resources from different databases composed in one digital library named Ac-Knowledge database ( The primary objective of the collection is to provide current and up-to-date scholarly and scientific literature to fulfill the academic and research requirement of our students, faculty and staff. Each year, new books are added to the collection. The digital library provides online access to 5900+ eBooks, 6400+ scientific journals and other scholarly material available from 37 different online databases. Some of the most popular databases are Accessmedicine, BMJ Journals; CINAHL Complete, Clinical Key; Dentistry and Oral Sciences Sources, Medline; Ovid; Oxford Journals; Sage Journals; ScienceDirect, Springerlink, VisualDx, and Wiley Blackwell.
The committee is chaired by the Dean and meets on a monthly basis unless otherwise called by the Chairperson. The committee needs a sixty six percent quorum and resolutions are reached by the simple majority vote. The charges of the committee include but not limited to the following:
The DQAU is the “executive arm” of the QAAA committee. The main strategy of work of DQA unit at COD is to build a system of responsibility, self-reporting, KPI data collection, action plan and follow up from the base up. The data regarding course portfolios, course surveys, course reports, department and program reports and KPIS are archived in central database (shared folder). Action plans are approved and their implementation is followed and reported in regular reports.
The unit is chaired by experience faculty in the domain of quality and meets on a monthly basis unless otherwise called by the Chairperson. The committee needs a fifty percent quorum and resolutions are reached by the simple majority vote. The charges of the committee include but not limited to the following:…
The event was cancelled due to COVID-19.