Faculty Enhancement Workshops – Motivation and Leadership
Continuing Education Faculty Enhancement Workshops Motivation and Leadership 18 September 2014 Objectives: - Understand the relationship between leadership and motivation - Motivate [...]
Faculty Enhancement Workshops – Student Assessment and Evaluation
Continuing Education Faculty Enhancement Workshops Student Assessment and Evaluation 21 May 2014 Objectives: - Recognize Basic Principles of Assessment - Describe the [...]
Faculty Enhancement Workshops – Basic Research Methodology
Continuing Education Faculty Enhancement Workshops Basic Research Methodology 30 April 2014 Objectives: - Understand some basic concepts of epidemiology and biostatistics - [...]
Faculty Enhancement Workshops – Mentoring and E-Portfolio Skills
Continuing Education Faculty Enhancement Workshops Mentoring and E-Portfolio Skills 09 April 2014 Objectives: - Describe what mentoring and e-portfolio means to faculty [...]
Faculty Enhancement Workshops – Writing Learning Objectives
Continuing Education Faculty Enhancement Workshops Writing Learning Objectives 20 March 2014 Objectives: - Compare and contrast learning objective vs. learning goals - List [...]
University Oracle SiS Campus Solution
http://sis.ksau-hs.edu.sa We are glad to announce that starting March 9th, 2014 the University Oracle SiS Campus Solution will be fully available for Students, Faculty [...]
إختيار د. الأحيدب كأول خليجي رئيساً الكلية العالمية لأطباء الأسنان بمنطقة الشرق الأوسط
أعلنت الكلية العالمية لأطباء الأسنان مؤخرا وخلال الإجتماع الذي أقيم في مدينة دبي لأعضاء الكلية من فرع الشرق الأوسط عن اختيار الدكتور علي بن عبدالله [...]
Faculty Enhancement Workshops – Problem Based Learning
Continuing Education Faculty Enhancement Workshops Problem Based Learning 09 February 2014 Objectives: - Define PBL and its core elements - Define the objectives [...]
Educational Exhibit in Hayat Mall, Riyadh
College of Dentistry (COD) students in collaboration with the Oral School Health Program of the Dental Services, Central Region, King Abdulaziz Medical City (KAMC), Ministry [...]