Re-launching the QAAA Committee chaired by the Dean
Launching the new structure and name of Unit “Development and Quality Assurance Unit (DQAU) and forming the sections and sub-sections.
Introducing and implementing the new softwares “Basecamp and Ganttify” to QAAA and DQAU.
Conducting monthly meetings of the DQAU sections and sub-sections depending on the urgency of the tasks. (26 meeting overall with quality scope)
Completion of D.M.D. Annual Program Report for every academic years.
Created a guideline + workflow for Course Report Completion
Created surveys for curriculum revision (Student Survey, Interns and Alumni Survey, Faculty Survey, Employer Survey)
Completion of Course Submission Documents (67 Course Books, 67 Course Specs, 67 Course Reports, CES Reports)
Created a guideline + workflow for Course Specification Completion
Created a guideline + workflow for Course Book completion
Conducted workshops arranged by Quality in collaboration with the Continuing Professional Education Sub-Committee.
Submitted officially the report of Annual Follow-up D.M.D. Program for the NCAAA to Dr. Khaled Al Jamaan (DOQ). The annual achievement report including the progress achieved by the accreditation review team recommendations and the supporting evidence documents.
Created the IPP of Strategic Planning.
Created and distributed surveys on Strengths and Areas of Improvements at COD (SWOT) to Faculty, Employee, Students and Interns.
Created the IPP of COD Excellence (CODEX).
Created the IPP of DMD Program KPIs.
Created the Annual Report Review Taskforce and conducted two meetings to review, add, modify, remove action plan as needed in the KPI report of the D.M.D. program AY 2019-2020.
Accomplished the Recommended DMD Program KPIs New Target Performance Values for AY 2020-2021 KPI report and benchmark.
Completion of D.M.D. Program KPI report and with analysis for AY 2019-2020 of COD.
Completion of D.M.D. Annual Program Report for AY 2019-2020