Announcement of Vacant Teaching Assistant Positions for AY 2025-26
Announcement of Vacant Teaching Assistant Positions for AY 2025-26
Announcement of vacant teaching assistant position for AY 2023-2024
COD Faculty Achieved Milestone of 550+ Research Publications and COD Students have produced 150+ Publications.
Congratulation Mr. Kevin Articona for Employee of the Month (COD-IT) May 2022
Congratulations! Dr. Ali Abdullah Al Ehaideb on his renewal of appointment as Dean, College of Dentistry, KSAU-HS. [...]
Congratulations Ms. Ghada Fahad Al Shnaifi for her recent promotion as Student Affairs Officer 1, Student Affairs department. [...]
Congratulations! Ms. Abeer Hammad Al Hammad for her recent promotion as Administrative Assistant I, Academic Affairs Department. [...]
Congratulations! Dr. Lubna Al Kadi for her recent promotion as Associate Professor in Prosthodontics at the College of Dentistry, [...]
Annual Deans list criteria for the academic year - eligibility and selection.